Translations of "Livres en feu"




Books on Fire. The Destruction of Libraries throughout History.


Translated by Jon E. Graham, published in 2007 by Inner traditions International, 372 p., hardcover, ISBN 978-159477167-5. " This book contributes to a new understanding of the devastation caused by book burning. Every reader's worst nightmare is recorded with horrid fascination." Fernando Baez

The « book that its author would have preferred not to have to write.» F.-G.Lorrain, Topo n°4, March 2004.
Here are the tragedies that Lucien X. Polastron relates with passion and patience.» Andre Rollin, Le Canard enchaine, February 11, 2004.
« A fantastic inventory. » Laurence Santantonios, Livres hebdo, January 16.

« A gasping narration: the saga of obscurantism... » FMR, January 2004.

« Livres en feu is the thriller of these paradises of knowledge. » Anne Muratori-Philip, Le Figaro litteraire, January 15.
« A fascinating, terrifying research...» Jacques Duquesne, L'Express, February 2.







Libros en llamas. Traduccion de Hilda H. Garcia y Lucila Fernandez Suarez, Mexico, FCE, Libraria, 2007. ISBN 978-968-5374-16-3. "Si a las palabras que la gente pronuncia se las lleva el viento, a las que estàn impresas en papel se las lleva el fuego."




Libri al rogo. Storia della distruzione infinita delle biblioteche. Traduzione: Livia Cattaneo. Edizioni Sylvestre Bonnard sas, Milano, 2006. ISBN88-89609-13-3




книги в огне (knigi v ogne). Text Ed. Moscou,, 2007. ISBN 978-5-7516-0653-1.




Kitap Yakmanın Tarihi. Everest ALFA Yayınları, Istanbul, 2015. ISBN 9786051418605.




사 라 진  책 어 역 자 (Salajin...) The Dong-A Ilbo Publishing Co., Seoul, 2006. ISBN 89-7090-452-2 03900.




كتب تحترق

(Kutub taHtariq). Editions Medali, Tunis, 2009. ISBN 978-9973-33-288-2


























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